October 20, 2023


In September, we unfortunately lost Jez McMurrough to Exning Utd, after a house relocation for him and his family. 

Jez was with us for a number of years, through some good and bad times and picking up the player of the year award during his reign with us. 

We wish him and his family well and would like to place our ‘thanks’ to him on record for his services.

We also had to say goodbye to goal keeper Robbie Ponting, after he joined Over Sports in October. 

Robbie was a key member of the foxes in his second spell at the club and was a great asset  both on and off the field. Good luck Robbie and thank you.


We would like to welcome Antwan Ebanks-Blake to the club. 

Antwan joined us late September from Cherry Hinton and will be a great addition to the side with his ability and will to want to do well.

Next in was Kaane Fehmi, who also joined us late September. After some time out of the game and time to recharge his batteries after a long successful spell at Royston Town. 

Kaane will add real quality and experience to the squad and will be on hand to assist our younger guys on the field with his wealth of football knowledge.

We have also recently recruited Ryan Henry from Royston town u23’s .

Ryan played some of his colts football at Foxton and looked a promising talent from a very young age, with his composure on the ball and an eye to pick a pass. He will surely be a big addition to the team. 


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